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Loma Scientific International - MMDS Transmitters, Microwave Power Amplifiers and Broadcast Television Systems

A Broadband Wireless Access MMDS Transmitter Manufacturer and Systems Company

Melchor Muzquiz, Mexico. Loma Scientific International, recently completed installation of a 31 Channel MMDS System in this Latin American City. Initial field installations show excellent coverage, with more than adequate signal to noise ratio over 90% of the operating geography. The success story is primarily based upon two of Loma's advanced broadband multicarrier transmitters, the LSI-28STE, employed in a dual mode. Each transmitter has its own transmission line and high gain broadcast antenna, carrying 15 to 16 channels (each) and offers flexibility in channel assignments. Other features include simple operation, low CTB, and low cost of ownership. Maintenance is easy, and an emergency fail-safe mode is feasible. That is, in the event of a transmitter failure, 15 to 16 channels will still be on air, or all 31 can be emergency duplexed into one transmitter with only a 6dB reduction in power. With the use of fixed frequency modulators for very low phase noise the system is still agile. Because of its broadband nature, modulators can be changed with little or no down time. 

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. In this Caribbean Nation of 8 million population, LSI has provided the solution to feed television programming signals to major cable headends in 5 principle cities. The LSI-50ST 50 Watt MMDS transmitter line was chosen to establish reliable point to point links over distances greater than 25 miles line of sight. Built-in test circuitry and modular design make this network easy to operate and maintain.

Torrance, CA, USA. LOMA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL announces the first in a series of "Fiberless to the Roof" digital products. Major breakthroughs by LOMA, in the development of ultra-linear, digital transmission products for licensed and unlicensed frequency bands, now permit standard cable routers and modems to be used in the Wireless environment with Fiber like speed.

San Francisco, CA, USA. Loma's digital headend transmitters and receivers (see Products: LSI 100D Series) are externally duplexed and share common broadcast antenna sectors. This headend location serves a super cell out to 40 miles over the San Francisco Bay Area. Subscriber transceivers (see Products: LSI 350STR Series) with greater than 1 watt output, provide upstream data over the 40 mile return path. A design requirement for single subscriber site antennas is accomplished by incorporating internal duplexers with high order reject filtering. "QOS, reliability and subscriber satisfaction have been exceptionally high" in this 2.3-2.5GHz band, as reported by numerous users. User satisfaction over two years in Silicon Valley, with innumerable choices for a jaded populace, is the highest endorsement possible.

Caribbean Nation. Similar to San Francisco, CA above, high power, digital transmission equipment (see Products) is now in service in the 3.4-3.7GHz band. Advanced planning is now underway to extend the two-way, high-speed, Broadband Wireless Access network throughout this nation in the Caribbean.

Pacific Islands. Similar to San Francisco, CA above, high power, digital transmission equipment (see Products) is now in service in 2.5-2.7GHz band on one island nation. The design is complete and implementation has commenced on another island in the 470-800MHz, UHF band. Both nationwide systems will provide Wireless Internet, IP telephony and streaming video to the populations at large.

Paraguay, SA. Loma Scientific International is very pleased to announce the completion of the design, construction and furnishing of all transmission equipment for the first two MMDS systems in the sovereign nation of Paraguay:

Consorcio Multipunto Multicanal SRL, a major MMDS/Wireless Cable company, is now providing broadcast television service to Asuncion, the Capitol City of Paraguay. CMM selected top of the line, ultra linear transmitters from Loma Scientific after an exhaustive comparison of equipment available from six other manufacturers. Initial transmission is in the PAL-N, analog format but all facilities, including the transmitters, waveguide components and dual broadcast antennas are fully compensated for digital service in the future. 33 Loma Scientific, all solid state, high power, digital and analog microwave transmitters serve as the heart of the system which provide specially encrypted video signals for broadcast directly to homes.

Tobati Televisora Color, another MMDS/Wireless Cable company, is now providing broadcast television service over a wide area in rural Paraguay. Initial plans are to supplement, expand coverage and replace service to homes now provided by physical cable. Future plans include educational and cultural outreach to homes and remote learning centers through extensive use of repeaters and beam benders. Public and governmental acceptance of the station's stated mission has been enthusiastic. As noted in CMM above Tobati chose top of the line, ultra linear transmitters from Loma Scientific after visits to the factory in Los Angeles and comparing our product quality and commitment to service with all other major manufacturers.

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Loma Scientific International
3115 Kashiwa Street, Torrance, CA 90505 USA
Telephone: (310) 539-8655, FAX:  (310) 539-8634, e-mail: info@lomasci.com

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